David Jouve Guiracocha


Tel: +593 2 256-1808 ext. 1022
Email: djouve@falconipuig.com

«Be what you would seem to be».

Lewis Carroll

David Jouve Guiracocha is an associate at Falconi Puig Abogados. David has over 7 years of experience providing consultancy to natural and legal persons in the different areas of intellectual property and dispute resolution.

His experience in handling invention patents, utility models and industrial designs ensures our clients’ rights and interests can be duly protected and preserved. This in turn reduces possible risks related to the sale of such assets on the market and avoids any disputes over ownership.

He has also ventured into the field of trademark law, especially in the registration and protection of distinctive signs at the national and international level. He has provided support to various companies for the protection of works under the copyright system.

In addition, David has represented clients in countless proceedings before the administrative and judicial authorities, in which he has created solid strategies to defend his clients’ rights.

  • Law Degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Specialist in Company Law, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar
  • Judiciary Council Lawyers’ Forum
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