Jorge David Uribe Reyes


Tel: +593 2 256-1808 ext. 1030

«The secret of success in business is in detecting where the world will go and get there first».

Bill Gates

Jorge David Uribe Reyes is a partner at Falconi Puig Attorneys at Law. With more than 30 years of experience, he is the Director of the Tax and Business Structuring Department and has extensive experience advising clients on project structuring, tax consulting for the banking and fiduciary sectors; tax planning fiduciary sector; tax planning, both corporate and family; transfer pricing; strategy and planning in contestation of glosses, both in administrative and judicial proceedings; compliance and good tax practices; and, in compliance and good tax practices; and, in corporate governance, with particular emphasis in family and asset structuring.

Jorge David is dynamic in structuring projects and business. He is always one step ahead, which gives him the ability to act and adapt to new situations. He is creative and agile when structuring them. He has clear ideas that are tied to an analysis from a tax perspective, but he understands that a business is multidimensional and must be approached from different disciplines, which facilitates the successful completion of them.

He has provided his services to leading national and international companies and has also worked as a university professor in the faculty of jurisprudence at the Universidad de Cuenca, Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and Escuela de Empresas de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). Currently, he is a partner and president of Projex 360, a company dedicated to the integral management of real estate and related projects. He is a member of the Advisory Board of Generatrust S.A., a fund and trust administrator, and General Manager of Argosdata, an electronic signature certification company.

  • Law degree, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Master’s degree in Business Law (LLM), EUNCET Business School, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
  • Master’s degree in Business Law (LLM), ADEN International Business School, ADEN University
  • Diploma in American and International Law, Center for American and International Law (formally the Southwestern Legal Foundation), Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Specialization in Legal-tech and Innovation, George Washington University School of Business
  • Certified Mediator 2022, International Sek University
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Generatrust S.A., a trust and fund manager
  • President of the Board of PROJEX 360 (integral management of real estate)
  • President of the Board of ALTO RENDIMIENTO SPORT593 S.A.S. B.I.C. (Advising and consulting for sports talents, programs and projects)
  • President of the Board of EnLocoRecto S.A.S B.I.C. (Advice and consultancy in the field of innovation in Culture – orange economy)
  • Leaders League 2023
    Tax Law – Recommended
  • He worked as Tax Senior at Deloitte & Touche
  • He served as Legal Director of the Inca Group – Pronaca
  • He served as Legal Advisor to Grupo Financiero Popular
  • He served as Director of the company Fiducia S.A.
  • He served as Managing Partner of the Tax practice area at the company Profile Cía Ltda
  • He served as Managing Partner of the Tax practice at Moore Stephens Cía Ltda
  • He served as Managing Partner of the Tax practice at Andersen Tax & Legal
  • He is President at High Performance AR360
  • He is President of Argosdata
  • He is Partner of Catalysta de Innovación y Tecnología
  • Analysis, strategy, defense, or challenge of glosses in administrative and judicial proceedings preventing glosses or obtaining the fading for more than USD 150 million
  • Analysis, strategy, planning and implementation of audits and / or tax reviews (compliance, and good tax practices); in a number greater than two hundred, to national and international companies of great prestige
  • Tax planning and advice in relation to bilateral and multilateral agreements in tax matters and «Common Reporting Standard» for important individuals, families, and national and international companies, for the development of large infrastructure projects, shopping centers, industrial and agro-industrial plants, real estate, among others
  • Strategic planning and support in the implementation with a legal, tax and financial approach, for the development of infrastructure projects (USD more than 1,500 million), shopping centers (USD more than twenty-five million), industrial and agro-industrial plants (USD more than one hundred million), real estate and sports clubs (USD 200 million), among others
  • Strategic planning and support for the development of family, patrimonial, tax, hereditary and good corporate governance structures for important families and their companies
  • Analysis, diagnosis, planning and development, together with the teams with which he has participated, in important projects that have resulted in new products and services in the banking, fiduciary and agro-industrial sectors.
  • Development and implementation of family structures that allowed them: an adequate report of the information, a correct and timely declaration and payment of taxes, a pertinent patrimonial security, among others
  • Active participation in the preparation of proposals on tax matters before guilds, chambers among others; to improve the practice of this important subject
  • The advice focused on reducing or eliminating risks, making projects or businesses viable, as well as fair optimization through the benefits of good tax practices and national and supranational regulations
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